Friday, June 3, 2011

Our fleet made for the harbor mouth, where the dhowery of the queen awaited. The goblin ships were quick and their sailors skilled enough, but their ships were for coasts and calm seas.  Their foes were pirates, fierce enough but undisciplined. Our men had learned their skills in a harder school, in the long blockade of the City of Tombs. We knew iced rigging and freezing green water over the bow, and the guns of the black-sailed ships, and iron discipline.
Their ships were in no formation, a loose mob. We formed line ahead, and Azcelon Tower led us into the midst of them. Our broadsides hammered them, and they broke. Half their ships sank or burned, and the survivors scattered to the three winds. In the Outer Harbor we anchored, and lowered boats to land the regiments and to bring back fresh water and fruit, and gold.

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