Sunday, October 17, 2010

Free writing: safe, window, visit

There was something prowling around the house, something cold and greasy and hungry. Mack could feel it. He hastily got his Glock out, slapped the magazine into place, and chambered a round. The weight of the weapon made him feel better, less naked, but it didn't make him feel safe. He stood back five feet from the window and sidled over until he could see the back yard. Whatever it was that had decided to visit him was invisible in moonlight, but he could see the grass being crushed under its feet as it circled the house, moving widdershins. It came to the back door. The door thumped against its frame, and Mack heard something scraping it, as if something with long claws was trying to dig through. He found himself praying. His eyes lit on the white knife and he picked it up with his left hand. It felt clean and light. He stood up straighter. The door rattled and then stopped. Mack felt the thing begin prowling again; it was angry and frustrated. He looked at the bedside clock, where the red LED numerals showed 4:12am. Dawn in about two hours. The creature would probably go away—unless it had an ally that could ignore the wards.  

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