Monday, July 20, 2009

Love letter

Yes, my princess, I want to know the taste of your lips and the feel of your body. But what I want is you, in full. To hear your breathing as you sleep, and see your face in the first faint light of dawn. To wake you with tea and strawberries. To shop with you for groceries and art and furniture. To read beside you, not needing to talk. To lie on our backs in an open field under a hot blue sky, talking about philosophy and watching the clouds. To hold you when you're hurt, to watch over you when you're sick, to carry you when you're too weak to stand. To waltz with you, glorious in evening gown and aglitter with diamonds. To walk through castles and forests with you. To comfort you when you're weeping and to delight in you when you're joyful. To watch the night with you, and sing together to the stars. To know your secret shames and to love you the more. To serve you, evening and morning.

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