Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Knights charge

     Berenger rode out in front of the company of knights and pointed his sword east. "On that road lies Terebon the fair, and beyond her bridge are Count Raimond's troops, marching to her relief. And there," he he stabbed westward, "are our enemy, five and twenty thousand, who think tonight to despoil our city. And between them we stand, three hundred knights--and God with us!"
     "God with us!"
     Berenger continued, "Woe unto those who fight against Him, for they shall fly like smoke before the wind when He gives the word to scatter them. Not to us, not to us, O Lord, but to Your name be glory!"
     "To God the glory!"
     The knights cast their cloaks to the ground, couch their lances and advance at a trot. Their banner lifts and snaps in the breeze.  

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