Wednesday, April 30, 2014

RavenCon: Agile Writer

A story abstract can be pared down to one setence: "A [person] who wants [goal] and learns [development]". An abstract is dynamic; it can change as you go through the writing process.

The hero has a life, which is interrupted by the inciting incident.  And the hero must have a Missing Internal Quality. "Her greatest fear" is not the Missing Internal Quality; the Fear is something she should face near the climax.

The protagonist should have three goals:

  • Objective: "destroy the Death Star" -- this is clear and tanglible.
  • Personal: "win the approval of teh Princess"
  • Internal: "put your faith in the Force"

The Agile method is similar to the Snowflake method--write something short and complete, then a longer version, and keep expending it. 

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