- Introduce the hero in his Ordinary World
- The call to adventure
- Refusing the call
- Meeting the mentor
- Crossing the threshold out from the Ordinary World
- Tests, allies and enemies
- Approaching the in-most cave, the enemy's fortress, the dragon's lair
- The ordeal--facing and overcoming the direst challenge.
- Receiving the reward
- Taking the reward back to the Ordinary World
- Final test
- Completing the journey, transforming the world
This is based on Joseph Cambell's work and I don't find Hero with a Thousand Faces all that convincing--if you push hard enough, you can shove anything into a niche whether it fits or not, and I think Campbell did a lot of that. However, even though not all myths fit his pattern as completely as he claimed, seeing the overall pattern is still useful.
Campbell did identify a sort of archetypal structure which much myth does appear to follow, particularly if it is heroic myth.