Garnet Turman started getting out of bed, which took a while. First thing in the morning, every joint ached and every tendon popped, but he wasn't getting old, exactly--just older. Once he got to moving, he'd be good enough.
Stella must have finished her morning prayer time, because he could hear her rustling around. He stepped into his slippers and ambled out to the kitchen. "Good morning, doll baby," he said. He came up behind his wife, gave her a good morning kiss, and patted her bottom. "Got anything special for me?"
"Garnet don't-make-me-break-out-that-middle-name Turman, you behave yourself," she said, smiling.
"Honey lamb, I was thinking about breakfast. Any bacon?"
I know what you were thinking! But bacon isn't good for your heart. Once I get my tea, I'm making oatmeal." He scowled. "With brown sugar," she conceded. Her phone rang. "Hello? Hello, Angie. It's Angie," she told him, and then her face went white. Anything their daughter could have said to make Stella go pale like that couldn't be good. Most likely Angie was expecting--she didn't have the sense God gave a duck, and that boy she was seeing was no better. Garnet waited while Stella said "Oh no" and "What then?" until she hung up.
"That was Angie. The Posleen are coming. They made it up the mountain."
Garnet lifted an eyebrow. "How'd they do that? There's just the one road, and the Guard unit is there, supposed to be. All they'd have to do is cut a few trees to make a block, and drop mortars where they're bunched up. Couple of snipers for the God Kings, that should be all it needs."
"I don't know what happened about that. Ida Mae said she was at the market past Vesta and--"
"Meeting that boy Reefer, I expect."
"--and the Posleen just came over the rise, about a hundred she said. She heard some shooting and she just got in her truck and drove off as quick as she could. They shot through her windshield! She's lucky to be alive!"
"And Reefer?"
"She said Randall was at the market but he isn't answering his phone now. This is...just..."
"Well, I don't know whether to be pleased or sorry about that. If the Posleen ate Reefer, he'll likely give them indigestion, and that'd be the best thing he's done in the last four years."
"Garnet Turman! That's a mean thing to say."
"May be. Doesn't mean it's not true. Well, if the horses are up the mountain, someone will have to do something about it. I'll get out my rifle. Darling, you call Junior Nestor and Roy Goad and Jed Quesenberry and tell them what Angie said."
"Oh," Stella said, and stopped. She forced a smile. "I'll make a good breakfast. Pancakes and scrambled eggs. And bacon."
If the Posleen ate Reefer they'll be stoned and easy shootin'. God help us all when they get the munchies though!